Monday, May 11, 2020

Alpha 1.0

Alpha 1.0 of Linux Corellia has added the base concept for the operating system, being lightweight and meant to run on a new Android phone called the BoathPhone Dual 1, the first phone to dual boot Android and a desktop environment. This phone concept will be pitched in 1 and a half months and I'm really excited to start working on it. My plans will be revealed later, but this operating system is going to be awesome. Of course this is built in mind of the fact that it will run on a mobile phone. Here are some of the features of the operating system I have added to the existing debian:

1. Theme store - default themes but you can also get themes from the store
2. Basic file navigation tools

This isn't enough to daily drive any device or computer yet, it's the shell of the entire project.
You can of course install debian downloads but that's all. By Beta release we should have good features.